- Material
Alloy steel
- Safety Factor
5 times
- Finish
- Temperature range
-20°C up to +200°C
- Standard certification
Certificate of Conformity
3.1 material certificate EN 10204
Alloy steel
5 times
-20°C up to +200°C
Certificate of Conformity
3.1 material certificate EN 10204
Application information
Links are used in lifting, mooring and anchor legs.
Master links (SC1) are used on 1 or 2 leg systems.
Master link assemblies (SC5) are used on 2- 3 and 4 leg systems.
Connecting links (SC2) are mainly used in pennant lines.
CR and Pear connectors (SC3 and SC4) are used for chain assembly and CR-Socket assemblies.
Chain adapters (SC7) are used for anchor chain legs.
Instructions for use
Master links and master link assemblies: Most of the time the load bearing component that is in connection with a link is of a rounded shape. Point loading of links is allowed but the minimum diameter of a rounded component should be equal or bigger than the diameter of the link being used. Bigger diameters to increase contact area can be beneficial. Sharp edges should be avoided.
Stress that leads to a non-uniform load distribution, e.g. which is caused as a result of an off-centre introduction of force must be taken into account when selecting the lifting accessories and their components
CR, Pear and chain adaptors, have the same proof load and break load as the applied anchor chain size and grade. For more information see application information mooring.